Government College Kodanchery is affiliated to the University of Calicut, the largest university in the state of Kerala, India.
The college was voluntarily subjected to the Accreditation of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) of the University Grants Commisionin February 2009 and secured B grade with a CGPA of 2.17. The second cycle of accreditation visit was done from 13th to 15th November, 2014. The peer team members were Dr.Srinivas.K,Saidapur ( Chairman), Dr.S.Rajendran( Member Co-ordinator), Dr. I. Bhanu Murty (Member). Dr. C. Krishnan served as the IQAC Co-ordinator. The executive Committee of the NAAC declared the college accredited with CGPA of 2.41 on four point scale at B Grade valid up to December 09, 2019.
The college being included under Section 2(f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act 1956 on 15.9.2004 and declared fit to receive assistance from Central Government or any organisation receiving fund from the Central Government.