Members of the department are actively involved in the personal /academic counseling of the students through an effective tutorial system. Every faculty is a Group who maintains a record of his /her students and frequently engaged in mentoring process by the aid of Personal counseling, group work, lectures, & debates
List of Tutors
VI Sem B.Sc. Zoology: Dr. JOBIRAJ T –
IV Sem B.Sc. Zoology: RENCY R C
I Sem B.Sc. Zoology: SUHAILA T
III Sem Msc Zoology: Dr. MANJUSHA K T
1 Sem Msc Zoology: Dr. UMADEVI KG
The faculty of the Department is actively involved in research. Dr. Jobiraj T is a Research guide at Bharathiyar University and Calicut University. All the faculties are involved in publishing research articles in reputed journals. A Project entitled Butterflies and Bees of North Nilambur Forest, North Division, Edavanna Range was done by the faculty of the Department (Dr. Jobiraj T and Dr. Manjusha K T) which was funded by the Forest Department. Dr. Jobiraj T, in collaboration with Dr. Sinu P A, Assistant Professor, Central University, Kasrgode has been sanctioned a research project entitled Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Conservation of leaf cutter bee pollinators of India under All India Coordinated Projects on capacity Building in Taxonomy (AICOPTAX) Programme of the Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate change. The project was sanctioned in the year 2019 and approved the above study at a total cost of Rs. 47,23980/- for a period of three years.
As prescribed in their curriculum, the III B.Sc. students are engaged in-group project work. A group of maximum 10 students are guided by one faculty. The topics selected are usually relevant to the local area. Final year M Sc students are also engaged in doing individual projects related to the area of specialization
Twenty-five hours are set apart for the field study/study tour during the Fifth Semester Bsc Zoology. Nevertheless, such studies may also be conducted any time during the span of the course. A total of five days are set apart for visiting places of general biological interest and two days for work and studies concerned with elective subject. A detailed report of the field study /study tour, specifying the places and institutions visited, date and time of visit, details of observations made etc. are submitted for evaluation on the day of practical exams. MSctudents also have to undergo at least five days of study tour to observe the ecology and behaviour of animals during the first and second semester of their course. A report of the field study have to be included in their practical record to be submitted at the time of examination. Field study to paddy fields, coconut groves, sugarcane fields fields of pulses vegetables, fruits, parasatoids and predator breeding stsations, beekeeping stations, sericulture institutes, Toxicology laboratories also is to be done duringthe last semester and report to be submitted at the time of practical examination.
Department of Zoology in association with the college Nature Club has made an attempt to preserve the Biodiversity of the college campus by maintaining and preserving the regenerating Mixed deciduous forest near the college main building. as Biodiversty Reserve. This park was formally inaugurated by Dr. A. Achyuthan on Nov. 27th 2004. The Park is a symbol of the dedication & enthusiasm the students and staff have shown in preserving the natural habitat which now a days is a highly crucial factor. The park in itself is revealing that sustainable development is the need of the hour and that it can be put into practice.
The existence of the Biodiversity Park with a rich collection of flora and fauna (birds, Butterflies, insects) in itself is extending its hands in maintaining a very pleasant climate in and around the campus which is well appreciated not only by the students/staff of the college but also by the people staying near by the college.
The department has taken initiative to conduct field study in the park with primary importance to bird watching to the students of the college and outside. Many of the student projects done are based on the Biodiversity Park, which has helped in the documentation of the large variety of the Park fauna. As apart of the documentation of the fauna and flora of the Park Green Book was published in the year 2014 which listed the entire flora and fauna of the park till date.
Department of Zoology in association with Boomithra sena Nature club has been organizing Nature camp for the students of the college as well to students (Higher secondary and College students) of the nearby locality once in every year since 2014. Interactive sessions, Night life, Bird watching, Trek to Biodiversity Park, Brunch with Butterflies etc are some of the highlights of this camp.
Kodanchery being a place where a large population of people are farmers an attempt was made by the Department a training class on Bee keeping as a part of the Seminar organized on the topic Pollination Ecology. In order to impart the importance of bees and to study the techniques in beekeeping the Department have made attempts to instill bee boxes inside the biodiversity reserve. Honey extracted from this are sold to near by public in a concession rate basis.
Plant Identification Training was given to interested students and local public by conducting workshops on Tree Identification with the help of various organizations like MNHS, WRCT & VMK Botanical Gardens, Koduvally.
The Department maintains a continuous contact with the zoology Departments of the near by colleges, WRCT Nilambur, SACON, MNHS, ZSI in connection with collection and identification of specimens, documentation of the biodiversity of the college campus, organization of seminars, field trips .
The zoology association is actively involved in organizing a number of activities including seminars, exhibitions, maintenance of biodiversity park and College Garden etc.
Green Book is a student Biodiversity register which is maintained by the Department of Zoology since 2014. The green book is updated periodically based on the inputs received from the projects carried out by the students and regular monitoring.