Student’s Grievance Redressal

The airing of grievances is always better than keeping it bottled up.  Complaining is healthy when the issue is bothering you so much that you cannot sleep or think straight.  It is a platform exclusively for you (Students & Parents) to submit your issues offline and online and to get it addressed as early as possible.  We assure you that your personal information will be kept strictly confidential.

Objectives and Functions

The objective of the Grievance Redressal Cell, Anti-ragging cell and other complaint redressal mechanisms of the college is to promote and maintain a responsive, harmonious and peaceful educational environment in the college.  The main function of these cells is to provide easy mechanisms to submit the grievances of students and parents and to address these complaints as early as possible.

How to file a complaint?

Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach your mentor, class tutor, Head of the Department or any of the faculty members in person.  You can also directly approach the principal or the teacher in-charge of the concerned Grievance Cell.   A complaint box is also kept in the first entrance of the main block to drop your written complaints.  In addition, you can also submit your grievances online through the link given at the bottom of this page.  The complaint received will be forwarded to the principal and the chairman of the concerned committee for redressal.

Nature of Complaints

Students and parents can submit all grievances and issues such as

  • Academic issues: Issue related to teaching and learning
  • Internal evaluation and internal tests.
  • Complaint related to library and digital resource centre.
  • Student-Student issues (S2S)
  • Student-Teacher issues (S2T)
  • Student-Administrative staff issues (S2A)
  • Grievances related to ladies’ hostel.
  • Grievances related to arts and sports.
  • Grievances related to NSS and NCC
  • Grievances related to harassment of women and minorities.
  • Grievance related to ragging.
  • Grievances related to office procedures.
  • Any other complaint bothering you.

Steering Committee for Grievance Redressal (2021-22)

Dr. Y.C. Ibrahim – Principal (Ph: 9446156983)
Dr. Anooja K. – Convener, Grievance Redressal Cell (Ph: 9946660170)
Ms. Suhaila T. (Convener, Anti-Ragging Committee) (Ph: 9497644926)
Dr.M.V.Suma (Convener, Women Cell) (Ph;9495565485)
Dr.Sajitha Beevi Karayil (Convener, Committee for Harassment against women in workplace)
Mr. Shibu K.J  (Convener, Discipline committee) (Ph:9846142907)