Additional Skill  Acquisition Programme (ASAP)          

Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) is a scheme jointly implemented by the Departments of General Education and Higher Education, Government of Kerala. The Programme seeks to equip students currently enrolled in the Higher secondary and Under Graduate Courses in Arts & Science Colleges, with industry/business relevant skills. It aims at creating employment opportunities for the unemployed youth, enhancement of skill sets of the labour force, emphasizing industry linkage and enhancing employability of students by introducing additional skill acquisition programmes in their career. So the additional skill acquisition programme focuses on enhancing the chances for employment for students studying for the Higher Secondary Courses and Under Graduate Courses. Expertise of industry organizations like, NASSCOM, CII, FICCI and various Sector Skill Councils set up by the National Skill Development Mission will be sought for the Programme.


The Programme will be focusing on additional skill acquisition, through a series of activity based modules including Communication, Information Technology, Skills etc., defined by the Industry so as to ensure that the students passing out of the institution have employable skills that are required by labour market and the industry, nationally and internationally. Enrolment of students to ASAP is made at the college level. Counselling services are to be imparted to students to guide and help them choose the right skill development sector. Courses designed for Additional Skill Acquisition are primarily for sectors that have a substantial skill gap and include Hospitality, Retail, Health care, IT & ITES, Event Management, Business Services, Media and Entertainment Industry, Banking and Finance sector etc. To begin with, a few of these sectors will be included under ASAP and more will be added in due course. Each skill development/up-skilling Programme is designed to ensure recognition, both nationally and internationally and to ensure effectiveness and labour market acceptance.


ASAP Course Structure

  • Foundation Module : 180 hours

           – Communicative English – 100 hours

           – IT Skill – 80 hours

  • Skill Module : 150 to 200 hours

            -Compulsory Internship -150 hours


At Level 1, ASAP imparts 300 hours of skill training to selected first year students (30 per batch). Of this, 180 hours will be a foundation module comprising of Communication Skills in English and Information Technology. The other 120 hours are devoted to the skill sector chosen by the student for specialization. The focus of the foundation course is to develop soft skills that are essential to work efficiently in a corporate environment.

How ASAP is different                          

  • Activity based learning
  • 55 % practical
  • Training by industrial experts
  • On the job training for selected courses
  • Compulsory internship for 150 hrs
  • Certificate from National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) & Government of Kerala.

Inauguration of ASAP in our College:

ASAP in our college was inaugurated by Sri.C.Moyinkutty, MLA,Thiruvambady Constituency on 12th December, 2013.


Courses and Activities in College


During this academic year, our first Aasp Batch was started which consists of 27 students of BA, B.Com and BSc Courses. Sri. Suresh.K.M, Assistant Professor, Dept. of History was the Co-ordinator of Asap during the period.


Two batches were functioned during this period. Batch I consists of 27 students and Batch II consists of 23 students of BA, B.Com and BSc Courses.


During this year, two batches were functioned in our college. Batch II consists of 23 students and Batch III consists of 29 students of BA, B.Com and BSc Courses. Sri. Sumesh John P.V., Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce has been acting as the Co-ordinator of Asap in our college from, 1st April, 2015 onwards.


During this academic year, we have two Asap batches in our college. Batch III consists of 29 students of 2nd year BA, B.Com and BSc Courses. Batch IV consists of 26 students of 1st year BA, B.Com and BSc Courses. These students are attending Foundation module comprising of 100 hours of English Communication Skills and 80 hours of Information Technology Skills in our college. They are also attending their skill courses in Thamarassery Skill Centre. Second year students are attending the skill course of GBFS (Global Business Foundation Skills) and first year students are attending skill course of Animation.

During the year Asap Unit conducted an orientation programme for first year degree students on 8th September, 2016. Mr.Anand, Programme Manager of Asap was the Resource Person.

On 31st January, 2017 Asap Unit conducted a Summer Skill School orientation for final year degree students  and Mrs. Anishka, Asap Programme Manager  was the Resource Person.

One of our Student Ms. Hafsath V., Final year Bcom, was elected as Communicative English Trainer (CET) for Asap Courses.