Sanjeevani is the college infirmary inaugurated by the honourable MLA of Thiruvambadi constituency in 2016. The infirmary offers the assistance of a consultant homoeopathic physician Dr. Lovely Martin who, fortunately, is our alumnus. The infirmary is a novel venture initiated by the college IQAC to ensure adequate health for the students and the staff members. The consultation is provided free of cost, with a nominal amount to be paid for the medicines. The doctor’s assistance is available in the college generally every Friday from 1 p m to 3p m, and if necessary, by request, on other days.
Dr. Lovely Martin is also proficient in counselling the students in academic and personal matters, having specialized in enhancing memory power, boosting self confidence and curing learning disabilities. The infirmary is planning to issue health cards for all the inmates of the college recording their health data.